1 Natsushima-cho, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 237-0061, Japan
(inside Nissan Oppama Plant)
TEL: +81-46-867-5280
FAX: +81-46-866-5814
Our mapcode is 8258316.
- By way of the Yokohama-Yokosuka Road: Exit at Ebina, follow the National Route 16 to Yokosuka, and turn left at the crossroad in front of Oppama station.
- By way of the Bayshore Route: Exit at Namiki and follow the National Route 357 to Yokosuka.
The neareast station is Oppama (Keikyu line). Taxis are available from outside of the station. A taxi ride takes approximately 10 minutes.
560-2 Okatsukoku, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243-0126, Japan
(inside Nisan Technical Center in Atsugi)
TEL: +81-46-248-5294
FAX: +81-46-248-5294
非公開: Analysis of metalーmetal bond at the interface | Nissan ARC
Investigation of ultrasonic welding structure and strength | Nissan ARC
Analysis of welding joints in resins | Nissan ARC
Fracture Surface Analysis of Metallic Components to Determine the Cause of Failure | Nissan ARC
Please feel free to contact us !